5LL #96 - Breathing, Shock Doctrine, Mutual Aid, YDSA, Tonight We Riot

When It's Hard to Take a Deep Breath
Nick Slater, Current Affairs
On asthma, meditation, and cutting yourself some slack during a global pandemic.
Screen New Deal
Naomi Klein, The Intercept
Under Cover of Mass Death, Andrew Cuomo Calls in the Billionaires to Build a High-Tech Dystopia
Growing Deeper Roots in Mutual Aid: A List of Reflections, Inspiration, and Resources
Mutual Aid Disaster Relief
We want to encourage people new to mutual aid-based organizing to not limit their understanding of the concept as merely the growth, gathering, and sharing of fruits with our neighbors.
Young Democratic Socialists of America Explain What Socialism Means to Them
Allegra Kirkland, Teen Vogue
Members of Young Democratic Socialists of America (YDSA) interviewed by Teen Vogue said their priorities include ending the criminalization of homelessness, divesting their schools from fossil fuels, supporting undocumented immigrants, and raising campus minimum wage.
Tonight We Riot Devs Wanted to Make an 'Unapologetically Leftist' Game
Ian Walker, Kotaku
Tonight We Riot, now available on Nintendo Switch and heading to Steam tomorrow, is the first game developed by Pixel Pushers Union 512. It tasks you with directing a mass gathering of protesters as they seize the means of production from an oppressive overlord.
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