5LL #95 - Essential Workers, Imagination, Business, Food, Socialist Orgs

Essential Workers Don't Need Our Praise. They Need Our Help.
Kim Kelly, The Washington Post
Calling essential workers ‘heroes’ makes it easier to pretend that they signed up to sacrifice themselves for the rest of us.
The Coronavirus Is Rewriting Our Imaginations
Kim Stanley Robinson, The New Yorker
What felt impossible has become thinkable. The spring of 2020 is suggestive of how much, and how quickly, we can change as a civilization.
The Corporate Right Is Giving Us Two Choices: Go Back to Work, or Starve
Jon Schwarz, The Intercept
The choice being given to regular Americans will be to work or die.
People Want to Go Back to Normal. Delivering Pandemic Groceries Made Me Question Whether We Should.
Caroline O'Donovan, BuzzFeed News
Volunteering to buy a neighbor's groceries during the coronavirus pandemic made me think hard about how we’ve always done things.
Why You Should Join a Socialist Organization
Meagan Day, Jacobin
There’s only one way to get the political education, organizing skills, and institutional support you need to be an effective socialist: join a socialist organization.
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