5LL #93 - Protest, Mckayla Wilkes, Conditions, Capital, Elders

Are We at the Start of a New Protest Movement?
Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, The New York Times
The immediate immiseration of millions of people highlights our mutual bond.
Mckayla Wilkes Wants to Represent the Black Working Class in Congress
Malaika Jabali, Teen Vogue
Twenty-nine-year-old Mckayla Wilkes is running for Congress to bring power back to the people.
These Are Conditions in Which Revolution Becomes Thinkable
Ben Tarnoff, Commune
In a few months, Covid-19 has remade our political horizons entirely.
The Cults of Capital
Daniel Walden, Current Affairs
What happens when an apocalyptic pandemic meets the apocalyptic death-cult of neoliberalism?
Yasmin Nair
A person is a universe.
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