5LL #89 - Mutual Aid, Movements, Emergencies, Optimism, Sheer Mag

People Are Fighting the Coronavirus With Mutual Aid Efforts to Help Each Other
Lucy Diavolo, Teen Vogue
An explosion of mutual aid networks is happening online.
Left to Ourselves
Shuja Haider, The Outline
Whatever happens, the Bernie Sanders campaign matters because it's part of a movement.
The Politics of Emergencies
Daniel Walden, Current Affairs
What exactly is an “emergency” and how do we imagine it?
Barbara Ehrenreich Is Not an Optimist, But She Has Hope For the Future
Jia Tolentino, The New Yorker
A conversation with the author and activist about class, reporting, the coronavirus, and socialism.
Meet the Socialist Power-Pop Band Whose Music Blasted Out at Bernie Rallies
Alexander Billet, Jacobin
With classic rock riffs and fuzzed-out melodies, Philadelphia’s Sheer Mag wears their left-wing politics on their sleeves.
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