5LL #85 - Santa Cruz, Google, Strategy, Brands, Space Jam

Why Should You Care About the UCSC Strike?
Nick Slater, Current Affairs
Spoiler: The ongoing wildcat strike by grad students in Santa Cruz holds important lessons for workers of all backgrounds.
The Great Google Revolt
Noam Scheiber and Kate Conger, The New York Times
Some of its employees tried to stop their company from doing work they saw as unethical. It blew up in their faces.
Why Bernie Sanders is Just the Beginning of An American Turn to the Left
Micah Uetricht and Meagan Day, Salon
The United States may be on the verge of a huge leftward shift. Here's what to expect.
This Brand is Late Capitalism
Rachel Connolly, The Baffler
Projecting radicalism onto brands because of superficial differences in their business strategy, like harder-wearing products, or a slightly more relaxed corporate culture, steers the conversation away from what genuine change might look like.
The Hidden Pro-Union Politics of 'Space Jam'
Steven Perlberg, Mel Magazine
‘Space Jam’ writers and animators tell us about the labor-rights messages they hid in plain sight — and why Hollywood wasn’t such a sunny place for the artists who made Bugs Bunny a baller.
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