5LL #78 - Free Stuff, Power, Iran, Communist Caucus, Campaigning

Why "Free Stuff" Is Good
Sparky Abraham, Current Affairs
Funding public services through taxation instead of usage fees is fair and eliminates bureaucracy. We should do more of it.
Twelve Lessons on Power
Samuel Miller McDonald, Epilogue
They’re lessons that will be essential to learn if we’re going to win victories necessary to building better politics.
The Mainstream Media Is a Cheerleader for War With Iran
Belén Fernández, Jacobin
When it comes to war, we shouldn't expect balance from mainstream news outlets: the corporate media has never met a war it didn't like.
The Old and the New
Communist Caucus, Commune
Taking the balance of the passing decade, the Communist Caucus of the DSA lays out some basics for the coming one.
A New Electorate
Ryan Grim, The Intercept
Can the Bernie Sanders campaign alter the course of the Democratic Party?
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