5LL #73 - Battle of Seattle, Indymedia, User Experience, Neoliberalism, Calculators

Today's Socialist Revival Began on the Streets of Seattle 20 Years Ago
Daniel Denvir, Jacobin
The global justice movement exploded onto the scene in protests against the Seattle WTO meetings twenty years ago today. The movement was far from perfect, but its anarchist, direct action-oriented politics were crucial learning experiences for a left that has today finally found its footing.
Another Network is Possible
April Glaser, Logic
Indymedia defined an early era of networked protest — and showed us another way the web could work.
The Importance of Making Everything Easier
Nathan J. Robinson, Current Affairs
Why universal access is good and means testing is terrible.
Welcome to the Global Rebellion Against Neoliberalism
Ben Ehrenreich, The Nation
As distinct as the protests seem, the uprisings rocking Bolivia, Lebanon, and scores of other countries all share a common theme.
Big Calculator: How Texas Instruments Monopolized Math Class
Maya Kosoff, Gen
These $100 calculators have been required in classrooms for more than 20 years, as students and teachers still struggle to afford them
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