5LL #71 - Socialism FAQs, Bolivia, Menopause, Antitrust, Deadspin

Q&A With A Conservative Student on Socialism
Nathan J. Robinson, Current Affairs
Brief responses to important basic questions.
The Far-Right Coup in Bolivia
Matt Wilgress, Jacobin
In Bolivia, the military, police, and right-wing extremists have carried out a coup against the elected government. They intend to remain in power by violently suppressing the country's indigenous and poor.
The Future is Menopausal
Ann Neumann, The Baffler
Post-reproductive women and the new feminism
Make Antitrust Democratic Again!
Sanjukta Paul and Sandeep Vaheesan, The Nation
The response to the next recession should put economic power back in the hands of the people.
The Death of the Rude Press
Alex Pareene, The New Republic
Deadspin and Splinter were only the most recent victims of a culling that began many years ago.
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