5LL #69 - Foreign Policy, Moderates, Purity, Managers, Cities

Towards A Democratic Socialist Foreign Policy
Timothy M. Gill, Current Affairs
Some principles for better relationships with the world…
Are You A Moderate? Think Again
Jamie Aroosi, The New York Times
A lack of moral imagination can make deeply ethical actions seem like crimes.
Barack Obama Thinks 'Woke' Kids Want Purity. They Don't: They Want Progress
Malaika Jabali, The Guardian
The former president took black and progressive movements to task, without understanding his own failure to deliver change
On the Origins of the Professional-Managerial Class: An Interview with Barbara Ehrenreich
Alex Press, Dissent
How do we recognize the similarities between people of different class positions without papering over the differences?
Modern Cities Breed Alienation. Insurgent Urbanists Are Pushing Back.
Ella Fassler, Truthout
It can be difficult to find imaginative, urban spaces designed to facilitate connections with others at no cost.
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