5LL #68 - Google, Anti-Racism, Debt Collective, Hope, Time

The Radical Guidebook Embraced by Google Workers and Drivers
Noam Scheiber, The New York Times
A book based on ideas associated with a labor group from the early 20th century has provided a blueprint for organizing without a formal union.
The Anti-Racist Revelations of Ibram X. Kendi
David Montgomery, The Washington Post
Meet the historian who’s asking America to rethink the very nature of bigotry — and how to fight it.
How A Group of Student Debtors Took on Their Banks—and Won
Aaron Ross Coleman, GQ
The Debt Collective, a new generation of financial activists, is using workplace unions as an organizing tool.
Hope in Common
David Graeber, Infoshop
If we really want to understand this situation, we have to begin by understanding that the last thirty years have seen the construction of a vast bureaucratic apparatus for the creation and maintenance of hopelessness, a kind of giant machine that is designed, first and foremost, to destroy any sense of possible alternative futures.
Out of Time
Astra Taylor, Lapham's Quarterly
To survive the burgeoning climate crisis, we need to reckon with our relationship to time.
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