5LL #66 - The American Dream, Private Equity, Obama, Religion, Superheroes

These 3 Policy Failures Are Killing the American Dream
Eric Levitz, New York Magazine
The “middle-class crunch” is a choice. The American Dream isn’t dying of natural causes.
The Working Person's Guide to the Industry That Might Kill Your Company
Hamilton Nolan, Splinter
Most people have little idea what the private equity industry actually does. The truth is terrifying.
The Obamanauts
Corey Robin, Dissent
What is the defining achievement of Barack Obama?
Has Capitalism Become Our Religion?
Daniel Steinmetz-Jenkins, The Nation
We talk with historian Eugene McCarraher about the myths and rituals of the market, the lost radicalism of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and the rise of neoliberalism.
Super Position
David Graeber, The New Inquiry
What are superhero movies really all about?
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