5LL #65 - Black Lives Matter, Class, Self-Driving Cars, Pundits, Homeownership

Five Years Later, Do Black Lives Matter?
Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor
Five years since its inception, a look at what the Black Lives Matter movement accomplished and the important work it left unfinished.
The Myth of Class Reductionism
Adolph Reed, The New Republic
The fight for racial and gender justice has always been about economic inequality, too.
Cars Are Death Machines. Self-Driving Tech Won't Change That.
Allison Arieff, The New York Times
I used to think calling cars “death machines” was kind of extreme. Then my niece was hit by one.
Against the Pundits' Class
Maximillian Alvarez, The Nation
In the media imaginary, working-class people are reduced to stereotypes, while actual workers go unheard. But some of them talk back.
Can America Fix Its Housing Crisis?
Joyce Rice and Josh Kramer, The Nib
The rent is too damn high.
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