5LL #64 - Greta Thunberg, Employer Insurance, Feminism, China, Graphic Design

If World Leaders Choose to Fail Us, My Generation Will Never Forgive Them
Greta Thunberg, The Guardian
We are in the middle of a climate breakdown, and all they can talk about is money and fairytales of eternal economic growth
The Fetishization of Employer-Provided Health Care
Libby Watson, The New Republic
Democrats continue to entrench their support for a health care system in which class warfare is a pre-existing condition.
Why Capitalism and Feminism Can't Coexist
Nicole M. Aschoff, Jacobin
Feminism is about fighting for a good life for everyone, regardless of gender, race, or income. We can’t achieve that under capitalism.
How the U.S. Left Should Approach China
Tobita Chow, In These Times
From trade policy to Hong Kong, progressives must oppose xenophobia and nationalism while advancing labor and human rights.
Different By Design
Rachel Hawley, The Baffler
America’s resurgent left charts its own visual course
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