5LL #62 - Commodification, Homes Guarantee, Yoga, Layoffs, War

The Decommodified Life
Nathan Robinson, Current Affairs
Socialist ideas about having things “free at the point of use” are in part about making life easier and less stressful.
Here's the Radical Housing Plan That All 2020 Candidates Should Embrace
Miles Kampf-Lassin, In These Times
With the U.S. facing an extreme housing crisis, now there’s a clear-eyed plan for guaranteeing housing as a human right. The 2020 candidates should get on board.
Yoga Teachers Are Unionizing to Heal the Wellness Industry
Sarah Jones, The Cut
Citing low pay, irregular scheduling, and inadequate benefits, they’ve organized the first union of yoga instructors in the country.
Strangled By A Safety Net
Kim Kelly, The Baffler
When severance agreements demand workers’ silence
The Good War
Mike Dawson and Chris Hayes, The Nib
How America’s infatuation with World War II has eroded our conscience
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