5LL #50 - Meat, Media, Vermont, Warren Buffett, Street Fight Radio

Empire of Meat
Alicia Kennedy, The Baffler
The American beef industry was built on centuries of exploitation
Seize the Media
Kim Kelly, Commune
It’s time for journalists to really make the news.
Bernie's Red Vermont
Matthew Zeitlin, The New Republic
How Sanders’s brand of American socialism emerged from the crucible of the Green Mountain State’s squabbling counterculture
The Dirty Secret Behind Warren Buffett's Billions
David Dayen, The Nation
Warren Buffett should not be celebrated as an avatar of American capitalism; he should be decried as a prime example of its failure, a false prophet leading the nation toward more monopoly and inequality.
"You Don't Have A Choice. It's the Moral Thing to Do."
Meagan Day, Jacobin
Brett Payne and Bryan Quinby, hosts of Street Fight Radio, talk about their twisting paths to the Left through punk and libertarianism in suburban Ohio, hating your job and barely making it, and how to prevent angry young white men from going over to the alt right.
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