5LL #47 - Cities, Degrowth, Wealth Funds, Robots, Sweden

The City of Tomorrow
Samuel Miller McDonald, Current Affairs
What decarbonized, climate-resilient, and equitable cities could look like…
The Radical Plan to Save the Planet by Working Less
Shayla Love, Vice
The degrowth movement wants to intentionally shrink the economy to address climate change, and create lives with less stuff, less work, and better well-being. But is it a utopian fantasy?
In Appeal to Moderates, Sanders Calls for Worker-Ownership of Means of Production
Eric Levitz, New York Magazine
Sanders’s plan for giving workers at major corporations an ownership stake in their firms is by far the most “socialist” policy he has ever endorsed as a national politician.
'Robots' Are Not 'Coming for our Job'—Management Is
Brian Merchant, Gizmodo
This is not a faceless phenomenon of inexorably improving technology that we all must submit to. This is, quite often and quite simply, rich business owners and the executive classes locating new ways to make themselves richer.
Revisiting the Meidner Plan
Peter Gowan and Mio Tastas Viktorsson, Jacobin
In the 1970s, the Swedish labor movement developed a plan to gradually socialize ownership. What can we learn from it today?
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