5LL #38 - Gig Economy, Symbiosis, Fast Food, Mike Gravel, Rebels

The Sharing Economy Is Going to Innovate Us Into the Victorian Era
Pete Tosiello, The Outline
A sociologist shares stories from members of the new American underclass.
New Group Looks to Unite North America in a Cooperative Economy
Valerie Vande Panne, Truthout
The Symbiosis network is linking cooperative movements offering alternatives to hyper-capitalism.
Fast-Food Industry Workers Continue to Fight for Their Right to Unionize
Kim Kelly, Teen Vogue
The Little Big Union is the latest chapter in the struggle, but the workers involved hope their efforts will spread and bring about real, lasting change in material conditions in fast-food and other industries.
A Pair of Leftist Teens Are Tired of the Democratic Party's "Bullshit." They're Launching A Presidential Campaign to Fix It.
Ryan C. Brooks, BuzzFeed News
David Oks and Henry Williams are pushing an octogenarian politician to make another run at the White House to help move the Democratic Party further left.
Outlaw Kings and Rebellion Chic
Alister MacQuarrie, New Socialist
As the liberal order collapses and open authoritarianism takes its place, our films, TV dramas, and videogames are filled with rebel heroes. Yet the heroic rebel on screen is often very evasive about the principles behind their actions.
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