5LL #37 - Immigration, Health Care, Means TV, Co-Ops, Revolution

The Case for Opening Our Borders
Brianna Rennix, In These Times
Democrats cannot have it both ways. If you oppose jailing and exiling people for crossing an invisible line, you must be in favor of significantly opening our borders. Fortunately, that’s fine.
5 Women on What It's Actually Like to Have Universal Health Care
Clio Chang, Elle
We talked to women in five countries with universal health care systems—Canada, Iceland, Taiwan, Australia, and the UK—about their daily interactions with their country’s medical systems.
Means TV, With A Boost From the Nyan Cat, Launches A Post-Capitalist Streaming Service
Ryan Grim, The Intercept
The working-class filmmakers behind Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s viral campaign video are launching their next challenge to capitalist hegemony, Means TV.
Giving Workers Equal Power Isn't Radical. This Studio's Done It For Years.
Patrick Klepek, Vice
Canadian developer KO_OP has been experimenting with the co-op model long before America's socialism flirtation—and it's working.
How to Seize the Means
c.e., Commune
How can we—the non-owning class, the landless, the oppressed, the poor—take power over the economy? How can we become the force that governs our lives and our work? And how can this involve not just one or two companies, but a whole world system?
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