5LL #36 - Obama, Medical Bills, SAT, Freedom, Street Art

The Obama Boys
Nathan Robinson, Current Affairs
If you want to understand why leftists look back on the Obama years with such a sense of frustration and disappointment, all you need to do is pick up one of the White House memoirs written by members of Obama’s staff.
Americans Are Going Bankrupt From Getting Sick
Olga Khazan, The Atlantic
Doctors’ bills play a role in 60 percent of personal-bankruptcy filings.
The History of the SAT Is Mired in Racism and Elitism
Mariana Viera, Teen Vogue
It’s “proof of the miles we have left to reach social justice and liberation for all in this country.”
Capitalist Freedom Is a Farce
Rob Larson, Jacobin
Milton Friedman was wrong. Capitalism doesn't foster freedom — it produces autocratic workplaces and tyrannical billionaires.
Street Art Used To Be the Voice of the People. Now It's the Voice of Advertisers.
Christine MacDonald, In These Times
Corporations like Red Bull and Stella Artois are co-opting graffiti art.
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