5LL #34 - Vacation, Insulin, Cohousing, Broadband, McKinsey

People Fought For Time Off From Work, So Stop Working So Much
Jon Staff and Pete Davis, Fast Company
Don’t eat lunch at your desk. Stop fetishizing being busy. Unplug not just from your screen–but from the clock.
America's Insulin Crisis Shows Why We Need Socialism
Victoria Gagliardo-Silver, Vice
When people are begging for money to afford a medicine they need in order to live, that's a failure of capitalism.
Coming of Age in Cohousing
Courtney E. Martin, Curbed
Growing up communally brings exposure to the world of adults—and lessons in interdependence
The New Sewer Socialists Are Building an Equitable Internet
Evan Malmgren, The Nation
A blue-collar manufacturing town in southern Appalachia offers a roadmap for reclaiming the Internet’s utopian potential.
McKinsey & Company: Capital's Willing Executioners
Anonymous, Current Affairs
An insider’s perspective on how the world’s most elite consulting firm spreads the gospel of capitalism…
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