5LL #327: Doctors, Goals, Malibu, Medicine, Cities
Doctors Without Politics
Mary Turfah, The Baffler
What can medical workers do to stop genocide?
We Have Always Lived in the Convention
A. C. Corey, n+1
If we can’t use the Democrats to accomplish our goals, then what can we use?
The Case for Letting Malibu Burn
Mike Davis, Longreads
Many of California’s native ecosystems evolved to burn. Modern fire suppression creates fuels that lead to catastrophic fires. So why do people insist on rebuilding in the firebelt?
To Resist Annihilation: Paternity, Inheritance, and Love against Surveillance Medicine
Zoé Samudzi, Logic(s)
What brings together the black American family in the United States and the Palestinian family in Palestine is the state’s investment in their respective destruction, the elevated production of risk, and the calculable increase in the likelihood of mortality, “natural” or otherwise.
Invisible Cities, Part I: Zones of Exclusion
Andy Carr, Protean
Rather than accommodate the intrusion, we should push to reclaim all that has become bound up with private actors—the multitude of public spaces and common goods that have been commandeered over the decades.