5LL #32 - Family, Socialist Principles, Borders, General Strikes, Craft Beer

Family Fun Pack
Matt Bruenig, People's Policy Project
Capitalism is hostile to families. The welfare state can fix that.
A Speech on Socialism at Andover
Nathan Robinson, Current Affairs
Introducing left politics to high school students…
The Case Against 'Border Security'
Daniel Denvir, The New York Times
Voters want more open borders, not a ‘smart wall.’ Democrats should listen.
Everything You Need to Know About General Strikes
Kim Kelly, Teen Vogue
How is a general strike different from a planned, industry-specific work stoppage; why are people interested in the idea now; and what would one look like in 2019?
Craft Beer's Moral High Ground Doesn't Apply to Its Workers
Dave Infante, Splinter
It’s a lot easier to tell if a craft beer tastes good than it is to tell if the brewery that made it is treating employees well.
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