5LL #317: Images, Wael al-Dahdouh, Witness, Land, Values
A Glass of Water, a Burning Boy: Fady Joudah on Images From Gaza
Fady Joudah, Literary Hub
“Is the language of his killers not part of our life? Is there a death we have not cheapened?”
‘I Couldn’t Cry Over My Children Like Everyone Else’: The Tragedy of Palestinian Journalist Wael al-Dahdouh
Nesrine Malik, The Guardian
After his wife and two of his children were killed in Gaza, Al Jazeera journalist Wael al-Dahdouh became famous around the world for his decision to keep reporting. But this was just the start of his heartbreaking journey.
The Limits of Witness
Mary Turfah, Bookforum
What a surgeon’s 1989 memoir tells us about working in Gaza and Lebanon.
An Alternative Economy Takes Root in the West Bank
Nadine Fattaleh and Andrew Ross, Hammer & Hope
By returning to the land, Palestinians find new ways to resist.
Liberal Values
Ahdaf Soueif, London Review of Books
There comes a moment when people realize that all these manifestations of ‘liberal values’ are cover for what is happening on the ground.