5LL #311: Lebanon, Terrorism, Travel, Liberation, Fredric Jameson
Peace From Our Point of View
Mary Turfah, Protean
Israel’s unsettled borders reflect not a bug, something to resolve, but a feature of the Zionist state, and the source of its self-granted—and United States-ensured—impunity.
Your Death Will Serve As Its Own Justification
Jake Romm, Welcome to Hell World
This is the logic of genocide: we have marked all terrorists for death, a status only we can impose or remove, and thus your death will always serve as its own justification.
The Pain of Travelling While Palestinian
Mosab Abu Toha, The New Yorker
This year, I learned the difference between a traveller and a refugee.
Yes, I Said "National Liberation"
Robin D. G. Kelley, Verso
Kelley reflects on the links between struggles for Palestinian self-determination and those for Black liberation in the U.S., and traces the ways in which Black radical conceptions of Palestine and Israel have changed over the last six decades.
Glimmers of Totality
Mark Greif, Harper’s
The epic quality of Fredric Jameson’s declaration that a Marxist critic is something to be, through all phases of his own career, and through many changing vogues, fads, tendencies, and political orders around him, has had everything to do with his sense of the office as knife-edged in this way, and his unshakable confidence that the devaluation of cultural activity by its class basis does not affect him.