5LL #306: Weapons, Journalists, Sudan, Evangelicals, The Dig
Selling American Bombs
Tim Barker and Dylan Saba, Phenomenal World
An interview with Sarah Harrison on the mechanics of US foreign military sales.
The Rotten Partnership Between the US Media and the Israeli Military
Séamus Malekafzali, The Nation
Even as their colleagues in Gaza are deliberately murdered, Western journalists continue to play along with the IDF.
In Sudan, the People’s Revolution Versus the Elite’s Counterrevolution
Sara Abbas, Nisrin Elamin, Rabab Elnaiem and Abdelraouf Omer, Hammer & Hope
Elites profit off war at the expense of one of the most powerful movements for emancipation in the 21st century.
Evangelical Zionism
Tad Delay, Parapraxis
Whether religious or secular, Jewish or Christian, the dream of Zionism is always posited as the dream of the big Other with a race hierarchy.
His Socialist Podcast Became a Surprise Hit. Now He’s an Uncommitted Democratic Delegate
Sammy Feldblum, The Guardian
With guests including Rashida Tlaib and Bernie Sanders, Daniel Denvir aims to bring critical theory to a growing audience. This month, he’ll represent the uncommitted movement in Chicago.