5LL #303: Antisemitism, Universities, Lebanon, PYM, Nationalism
Elements of Anti-Semitism
Jake Romm, Parapraxis
Zionism is an antisemitism, first and foremost, because it internalizes and recapitulates the very same European antisemitism that sought the extermination of the Jews in the Shoah.
Every University in Gaza Has Been Destroyed. So Have These Students’ Dreams.
Sondos Fayoumi, The Nation
The class of 2024 was supposed to graduate this year. Instead, they are trapped in the hell of Gaza, and their futures are unknown.
Netanyahu’s Inferno
Séamus Malekafzali, The Baffler
The regional war is already here.
What Comes Next for the Palestinian Youth Movement
Mohammed Nabulsi, Hammer & Hope
Strengthening the politics of anti-repression work.
The Rise of Disaster Nationalism
Richard Seymour, The New Statesman
The modern far-right is not a return to fascism, but a new and original threat.