5LL #301: Biden, Fortresses, Architects, Asylum, Jane McAlevey
Tim Barker, New Left Review
There has been strikingly little discussion of any connection between Biden’s reversal of political fortunes and his support for the ongoing Israeli assault on Palestine.
The Fortress University
Erik Baker, The Drift
It’s almost as if, in trying to squash students’ outrage at the Israel Defense Forces, universities have simultaneously adopted a twisted pastiche of its tactics.
The Awful Plan to Turn Gaza Into the Next Dubai
Kate Wagner, The Nation
The Netanyahu administration seems to have learned from neighboring petrostates that spectacle can distract from ethnic cleansing.
The World War on Asylum
Malcolm Harris, The Intercept
From Mexico to the Mediterranean, rich countries would rather see refugees die than recognize their legal asylum rights.
Raising Hell
Sarah Jaffe, The Baffler
It is not an exaggeration to say that Jane McAlevey did more to bring practical labor organizing strategy into the public conversation than anyone in my lifetime.