5LL #300: Uprisings, Sexuality, Public Space, Poetry, Germany
The Neck and The Sword
Rashid Khalidi and Tariq Ali, New Left Review
The defeat of the Arab Revolt created a heavy legacy that affected the Palestinian people for decades.
Homo Zion
Hussein Omar, Parapraxis
What are the questions to which “pinkwashing” seems to provide an answer?
Peculiar Décor
Jake Romm, New York Review of Architecture
Notes on the Gaza solidarity encampments.
What It Does with Wreckage: On Hala Alyan’s “The Moon That Turns You Back”
Anthony Alessandrini, Los Angeles Review of Books
Though rarely summoned by name in Alyan’s poetry, Gaza is always present.
Adrian Daub, n+1
Germany doesn’t give the appearance of working through anything; it hardly appears to be working at all.