5LL #296: Superlatives, Police, Morality, Kashmir, Tunnels
Rozina Ali, n+1
If there are limits to war, they have yet to be defined.
Palestinian Liberation and Police Abolition Go Hand In Hand
Jonathan Ben-Menachem and Trip Eggert, The Nation
The severe repression of the recent encampment protests proves that these struggles are inexorably linked.
Israel’s Descent
Adam Shatz, London Review of Books
Israel’s supporters might argue that this is not the Shoah, but the belief that the best way of honoring the memory of those who died in Auschwitz is to condone the mass killing of Palestinians so that Israeli Jews can feel safe again is one of the great moral perversions of our time.
Pleasure Gardens: Blackouts and the Logic of Crisis in Kashmir
Izabella Scott and Skye Arundhati Thomas, The New Inquiry
In this exclusive excerpt from their new book Izabella Scott and Skye Arundhati Thomas contextualize the twin-snake history of Israel and India and how the occupation of Palestine informs the occupation of Kashmir.
Tunnel Visions
Oswaldo Zavala, The Baffler
Notes on the underground, from Sinaloa to Gaza.