5LL #294: Children, Columbia, Cal Poly Humboldt, Rhetoric, Students
To Know What They Know
Yasmin El-Rifae, Parapraxis
Israel has bent this world into one in which it can wage a war on children because they represent the future and contain the past, and those are two elements it denies Palestinians.
Last Month at Columbia
Deeva Gupta, n+1
Did I wake up one day to find that the university had become a muscular arm of the state, or was it always one?
“Set the terms of your struggle:” The Cal Poly Humboldt Commune Speaks
New York War Crimes, The New Inquiry
Cal Poly Humboldt rapidly developed into the militant front of the campus Palestinian liberation movement. After repelling a police assault during their occupation of Siemens Hall—renamed Intifada Hall—the commune claimed much of the campus. We spoke to two participants about their efforts.
Adults in the Room: A Response to Jeffrey C. Isaac
Gemma Sack, Dissent
To insist that a movement remake itself in one’s image is not a plea for solidarity; it is a demand for obedience.
US Students, Once Again, Have Led the Way. Now We Must All Stand Up for Palestinians
Osita Nwanevu, The Guardian
Campus protests in solidarity with the people of Gaza have braved abuse and police raids but history will be kinder.