5LL #287: Tel Aviv, Cemeteries, Boomers, Commons, Climate
Hating it Lush: On Tel Aviv
Kaleem Hawa, The White Review
Tel Aviv’s beneficiaries embrace the moving image, away from the florid displays of Zionist reality that are the price of their prosperity.
Nowhere to Live, Nowhere to Die
Nevin Kallepalli, The Baffler
Not even the dead can rest in Gaza.
The Rise and Fall of Baby Boomer Zionism
Darryl Li, Hammer & Hope
Zionism has long been the tip of a spear aimed at the heart of a multiracial left.
Palestine & the Commons: Or, Marx & the Musha’a
Peter Linebaugh, CounterPunch
I must write about the musha’a, a Palestinian form of land tenure, or the commons, which the Ottomans, the Brits, and the Israelis attempted to destroy.
Capitalism Can’t Solve Climate Change
Brett Christophers, Time
Stick with an approach to climate change mitigation in which the private sector continues to be seen as the savior, and we are setting ourselves up to continue to fail.