5LL #282: Borders, Liberalism, Norman Finkelstein, Police, Fascism
Democrats Are Helping Make the US Border Look More and More Like Gaza
Dylan Saba, The Nation
The party is embracing the idea of the border as a bulwark against a savage horde. As it happens, that’s exactly how Israel talks about Gaza.
Israel’s Assault on Gaza Is Exposing the Holes in Everything Liberal Politicians Claim to Believe
Nesrine Malik, The Guardian
Starmer and Biden see themselves as custodians of stability. But their support for this bloody conflict shows nothing but weakness.
Julia Rock, The Drift
Despite the fact that Norman Finkelstein is, in many ways, the perfect figure to turn to in this moment, he also embodies the discontinuities between generations of the left — a relic of a different century who is trying, uneasily, to speak to this one.
Illusions of Safety
Mariame Kaba, The Baffler
We are in an endless cycle of fear, which generates an authoritarian reaction, generating more fear and more authoritarian reaction. How do we break free?
Everybody Gets to Be a Fascist, or, What Taylor Swift Taught Me About Fascism
Jason Read, e-flux
One of the problems with using the word “fascism” today, especially in the US, is that it’s hard to reconcile our image of it as a politics of the state control of everything with the current politics of outrage aimed at M&Ms, Barbie, and Taylor Swift.