5LL #279: Partisans, War, Urbicide, Conflict, Unions
The Forest and Its Partisans
A. C. Corey, n+1
Stop Cop City is a movement by and for the committed left, by and for “leftists”.
More Fog, More War
Séamus Malekafzali, The Baffler
The brutal illogic of the U.S. attacks on Yemen.
What Israel’s Destruction of the Great Omari Mosque Means
Kate Wagner, The Nation
Yes, it’s a crime against cultural heritage. But more importantly, it’s part of a campaign of total annihilation.
Rethinking Conflict
Nikki Babri, UCI School of Humanities
Words carry immense weight, especially in the narrative of Palestine and Israel, where every word bears the burden of history.
We Are Failing
Hamilton Nolan, How Things Work
The first step to building a better labor movement is being honest. Numbers don't lie.