5LL #276 - Realpolitik, Food, Grief, Farms, Arno Mayer

There Was an Iron Wall in Gaza
Seth Ackerman, Jacobin
Addicted to territorial aggrandizement and encircled by enemies of its own making, Israel has freed itself of all moral constraints.
Gaza Is Starving
Isaac Chotiner and Arif Husain, The New Yorker
The chief economist of the World Food Program explains how the scarcity of food may tip the territory into famine.
Against Grief as Political Currency
Keyvan S., Mental Hellth
Palestinians have been forced to use their grief to mobilize movements. What happens when we turn away?
‘There’s No Other Job’: The Colonial Roots of Philippine Poverty
Peter S. Goodman, The New York Times
Decades after independence, the Philippines lacks the kind of factory economy that has lifted up other Asian nations, tying millions to farm work.
Without End
Corey Robin, New Left Review
Arno, by disposition and temperament, was always trying to get inside, to get to the centre of things, to connect across the perimeter.
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