5LL #271 - Stakes, Exchanges, ADL, Fascism, States

Palestine is Everywhere
Ben Mable, The Dig
The convergence of global attention, mobilization, and activity indicate that the fight for Palestinian liberation is a rendezvous point for emancipatory political forces the world over.
Exchange Rate
Eyal Weizman, London Review of Books
In this war the fate of the civilians in Gaza and the captured Israelis is closely entangled, as is that of both peoples.
The ADL Is Making It Less Safe to Be a Progressive Jew
Ben Lorber, In These Times
In our topsy-turvy reality, the organization most associated with fighting antisemitism, the Anti-Defamation League, has cast its lot with antisemites.
Late Fascism: An Interview with Alberto Toscano, Part 1
Jake Romm and Alberto Toscano, Protean
In this book, Toscano provides us with the language and analysis necessary to theorize our current moment, one in which the danger of fascism is as real as ever.
Why the “Ruling Class” Need Not Rule: Nicos Poulantzas and the Marxist Theory of the State
Tony Chamas, Cosmonaut
Tony Chamas argues that Nicos Poulantzas offers a Marxist theory of the state that explains the inadequacies of both reformist politics and oversimplified conceptions of the relationship between the “ruling class” and state policy.
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