5LL #262 - Protests, Grief, Social Reproduction, Tipping, Cemex

The Mass Disappointment of a Decade of Mass Protest
Osita Nwanevu, The New Republic
The demonstrations of the last decade were vast and explosive—and surprisingly ineffective.
Grief, Critique and Post-Movement Despair
Vicky Osterweil, All Cats Are Beautiful
Taking care of one another begins with taking responsibility for our own feelings.
On the Economic Power of Capital
Søren Mau and Hugo de Camps Mora, Spectre
Mau develops a theory of what he dubs “economic power,” a form of power that has traditionally been overlooked by Marxist scholars, who have mostly focused on the role of violence and/or ideology.
Service Charged
Chris Crowley, The Baffler
Who gets stiffed in the tipping wars?
Cemex and the Right to Organize: Three Theories of the Case
Brishen Rogers, LPE
On August 25th, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) issued an opinion that may make it substantially easier for workers to obtain collective bargaining rights.
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