5LL #260 - Cop City, RICO, Gentrification, Strikes, Doppelgangers

The Cop City Indictment Prosecutes Dissent
Sarah Jones, New York Magazine
The intent isn’t just to put people in prison. It’s to chill political speech and stifle activism.
An Offer You Can’t Refuse
Piper French, The Drift
Everything that made RICO useful against the Mob makes it ripe for abuse in the contexts in which it is now being applied, where the state holds all the cards, hapless defendants are painted as scheming mafiosi, and even lyrics are treated as wiretapped admissions of guilt.
On Gentrification, We Don’t Know What We’re Talking About
Kate Wagner, The Nation
Rather than understand gentrification as a systemic issue, the term has simply become an insult people throw around.
Chipping Away at the Right to Strike
Veena Dubal, Dissent
Glacier v. Teamsters was not a crisis averted but another step in the right’s plan to stifle labor power.
Naomi Klein’s Journey Into the Unnerving World of Naomi Wolf
Laura Marsh, The New Republic
After years of being mistaken for one another, Klein tried to find out why Wolf went down the conspiracy rabbit hole—and why so many people have followed her.
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