5LL #259 - Socialism, Japan, Misleadership, Credit Cards, Toilets

You Can’t Be a Socialist Alone
Astra Taylor and Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, In These Times
Two intellectual and movement leaders talk candidly about the growing mass rejection of capitalism—and the challenges of converting that into real socialist organization.
Can Shrinking Be Good for Japan? A Marxist Best Seller Makes the Case.
Ben Dooley and Hisako Ueno, The New York Times
Kohei Saito says the country should seize this moment of demographic and economic challenge to reinvent itself through “degrowth communism.”
How the Black Misleadership Class Provides Cover to Cop City
Eva Dickerson, Hammer & Hope
They’re trying to create a narrative that the movement is composed of white “outside agitators.”
Perked Up
Justin H. Vassallo, The Baffler
Lavish rewards programs are subsidized by the poor.
Where Did Our Public Toilets Go?
Katrina Vanden Heuvel, The Nation
Why the state of a country’s civilization can be judged by its public facilities.
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