5LL #251 - Art, McCarthyism, Repair, Language, Libraries

Be Like the Silkworm
Terry Eagleton, London Review of Books
Marx never wrote a book on aesthetics. Instead, he put literary works to compelling use, eroding the borders between the artistic, political and economic.
McCarthyite Laws Targeting Leftists Are Still on the Books Across the Country
Liza Featherstone, Jacobin
Communists were excluded from an Oklahoma Pride festival recently based on an old McCarthyite state law. The incident is a reminder of how easily the Red Scare’s mechanisms for state repression can be revived in 21st-century America.
In the Butcher’s Shop
Editors, Parapraxis
How are we to live with one another on the other side of wounding when the wound won’t stop compounding?
Folk Etymologies
Eleanor Stern, The New Inquiry
If language is the problem, it isn't always the solution.
Struggle in the Stacks! Researching NYPL's Labor History
Nora Dolliver and Mia Bruner, New York Public Library
Though much about the world of work and libraries has changed since the Library Employees’ Union of Greater New York published its first bulletin over 100 years ago, these materials are particularly worth reading at a time when library workers across the United States are discussing the value of unions once again.
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