5LL #25 - Charity, New Yorker Union, Sunrise Movement, Beto, Cooperation Jackson

Privatizing Morality
Luke Savage, Jacobin
Individual acts of holiday charity by the rich are a hustle. Real altruism is collective.
The Good Tidings of Solidarity
Wei Tchou, The Outline
In June, a successful unionization effort at ‘The New Yorker’ proved to be more than a victory for labor.
The Optimistic Activists for a Green New Deal: Inside the Youth-Led Singing Sunrise Movement
Emily Witt, The New Yorker
Sunrise, founded a year and a half ago by a dozen or so twentysomethings, has established itself as the dominant influence on the environmental policy of the Democrats’ young, progressive wing.
Is It OK to Criticize Politicians for Things They Have Done?
Nathan Robinson, Current Affairs
Not only is it okay to criticize Democratic politicians, but we must do it.
Meet the Radical Workers' Cooperative Growing in the Heart of the Deep South
Peter Moskowitz, The Nation
Cooperation Jackson is trying to build an alternative economy for the city’s majority-black residents.
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