5LL #233 - African American Studies, Executions, Layoffs, Surveillance, Che Guevara

The Meaning of African American Studies
Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor and Robin D. G. Kelley, The New Yorker
We’re not just interrogating our lives, we’re interrogating knowledge production itself.
Police Killings Are Public Executions
William C. Anderson, Prism
Abolishing the police requires recognizing police killings as a fascistic tool and breaking cycles of fear and complacency.
The Real Aim of Big Tech’s Layoffs: Bringing Workers to Heel
Brian Merchant, The Los Angeles Times
Why have many of the most profitable companies of our generation — most of which are still very much profitable — announced staggering rounds of layoffs, one after the other? And why now?
Workplace Surveillance, Collective Resistance: A Symposium
Ann Sarnak, LPE
How precisely does surveillance erode the dignity and well-being of workers, and undermine their sense of solidarity?
In Rocinante’s Stirrups
Julia Kornberg, The Baffler
Che’s diaries are a crucial read, insofar as they are reminiscent of a kind of openly contradictory, irreverent, worldly spirit that was concerned with maintaining a focus on the betterment of all workers’ lives.
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