5LL #232 - Cop City, Gramsci, Nukes, Realignment, Love Island

The Crackdown on Cop City Protesters Is So Brutal Because of the Movement’s Success
Natasha Lennard, The Intercept
One protester was killed by police, 20 were charged under a “domestic terror” law, and Georgia’s governor gave himself broad “emergency” powers.
Michael Denning on Antonio Gramsci and Hegemony
Michael Denning and Daniel Denvir, Jacobin
The great labor historian Michael Denning reflects on what Antonio Gramsci’s work has to tell us today.
How to Avoid Nuclear Stand-Offs That Threaten the Entire World
Frida Berrigan, In These Times
Frida Berrigan on the Russia-Ukraine conflict and the fight for nuclear abolition.
The Change We Want
Kim Phillips-Fein, The Nation
What does it take to build a political majority?
Escape from Love Island
Sophie Lewis, London Review of Books
If we are in an age of ‘heteropessimism’, it is fitting that nothing should fascinate us so much as the spectacle of extreme hetero-optimists searching for ‘the one’.
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