5LL #231 - Indymedia, Ideals, Nursing Homes, Care, Eastern Europe

When We Were the Media
Todd Wolfson and Malav Kanuga, Logic
Social media has been bad for social movements. What’s a better model?
Better Things Aren’t Possible
Voyou Désœuvré, Dangerous & Lazy
A better world does not exist in the thwarted ideals of the present, but in the real processes that might abolish that present.
Denying Nothingness
Harold Braswell, Parapraxis
There must be a greater public understanding of how our eldercare system produces suffering that is, unambiguously, not the family’s fault.
The Unfair Costs of Care
Nancy Folbre, The American Prospect
Inflation in the cost of care matters.
The Prophet of Post-Fascism
Anton Jäger, The New Statesman
The late Marxist intellectual Gáspár Miklós Tamás captured Europe’s disorientation after the Cold War.
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