5LL #23 - Working People, Medicare for All, Amazon, Strikes, Money Circles

Can the Working Class Speak?
Maximillian Alvarez, Current Affairs
In a world where working people are consistently reminded that we don’t matter, where we become accustomed to being, at best, exploitable and, at worst, invisible to each other, seeing and affirming the trembling humanity we share with our neighbors is revolutionary.
Medicare for All is Even Better Than You Thought
Tim Higginbotham, Jacobin
Previous estimates suggested that Medicare for All would save $2 trillion. But it's even better: a new study finds that Bernie Sanders's bill would save $5.1 trillion — while providing universal, comprehensive coverage.
Hate Amazon? Try Living Without It
Nona Willis Aronowitz, The New York Times
My dad was a longtime labor activist. He despises what Jeff Bezos built, but he can’t quit it.
Strikes and Picket Lines, Explained
Kim Kelly, Teen Vogue
Why does the concept “never cross a picket line” matter? What does it mean to “go out on strike” or to be a “scab”?
The Alternative to Traditional Banking You've Never Heard Of
Valerie Vande Panne, In These Times
What Westerners can learn from collective “money circles.”
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