5LL #228 - Covid, Airbnb, Abortion, Art, Politics

The Year the Pandemic "Ended" (Part 1)
Artie Vierkant and Beatrice Adler-Bolton, The New Inquiry
A timeline of covid normalization in the US in 2022.
Sex Workers Have Been Banned From Airbnb for Years. Will You Be Next?
Olivia Snow, The Nation
Using surveillance technology, platforms have found new ways to continue targeting marginalized groups.
The Right’s Fight for Women
Emily Janakiram, The Baffler
On the “pro-woman” trappings of today’s anti-abortion movement.
What Does Collectivist Art Look Like?
Panthea Lee, In These Times
In 2022, collectives from the Global South took over the world’s most prestigious art show, and the backlash was swift.
Seven Theses on American Politics
Dylan Riley and Robert Brenner, New Left Review
A new structure of exploitation is in the process of emerging in the advanced-capitalist world; accordingly, we must also be witnessing the emergence of a new class structure, axed around relations of ‘politically engineered upward redistribution’.
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