5LL #225 - Club Q, Post-Marxism, Loneliness, Organizing, Ethics

Understanding the Carnage
Keegan O'Brien, Spectre
The urgency of birthing a militant, grassroots and participatory LGBTQ movement is clear and present.
What Chantal Mouffe Gets Wrong
Oliver Eagleton, The New Statesman
The Belgian philosopher’s influence on today’s left is unquestionable, but the transformative potential of her ideas is held back by conservatism.
The Malignant Melancholy
Amba Azaad, The New Inquiry
There are, broadly, two kinds of structural lonelinesses. One is the benign loneliness of the socially alienated, the other the malignant melancholy of the erstwhile master.
Expanding Citizen Power Beyond the Ballot Box
Astra Taylor, The New Republic
Responsive organizing is essential to achieving policy reform.
Injured Egos
Eli Zaretsky, New Left Review
An emancipatory practice must marry the ideal of social justice to the ideal of individual freedom.
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