5LL #220 - Marxism, Feudalism, Prisons, Tipwork, Inconvenience

Mike Davis on Becoming a Marxist
Mike Davis, Verso
The cult of Marx justly honored a life of almost sacrificial dedication to human liberation, but otherwise did what all cults do—it petrified his living thoughts and critical method.
Are We Living Under 'Technofeudalism'?
Malcolm Harris, New York
Writers have proclaimed the end of capitalism for as long as the system has existed, but the current thesis has found uncommon purchase among serious left-wing thinkers.
What Happens in Prison Becomes the Norm
William C. Anderson, Prism
The oppressive and deadly tactics used on incarcerated people are directly linked to the spread of fascism inside and outside the prison system.
TV and Tipworkification
Annie McClanahan, Post45
Contemporary TV demonstrates a conspicuous interest in two related kinds of employment: tipwork (waiting tables, bartending, making espressos) and the more recent form of work termed "gigwork" (temporary, project-based freelance work, especially the sort mediated via online platforms).
Lauren Berlant, The New Inquiry
Hell is other people, if you’re lucky.
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