5LL #208 - Laws, Sex Workers, Bosses, Bombs, AIPAC

Going Beyond the Law
Gaby Del Valle, The Baffler
What the movement for abortion rights can learn from international feminists—and the anti-choice right.
Freedom, Not Benefits
Heather Berg, Boston Review
Sex workers are labor’s vanguard. The left ignores them at their peril.
What Do (Digital) Bosses Do?
Jason E. Smith, The Brooklyn Rail
The digital boss arises in crisis conditions peculiar to the twenty-first century, in which productivity gains are more often than achieved not through the automation of more and more workplaces, but through leaps in the extent and intensity of workplace surveillance.
What Would Mike Davis Bomb?
Samuel Stein, Jacobin
Legendary socialist writer Mike Davis used to put a prompt to his students: If you had a B-52 with unlimited tonnage, what ugly, antisocial buildings would you bomb? We put the question to urbanist thinkers who have been inspired by Davis’s writing.
The Israel Lobby’s New Campaign Playbook
Peter Beinart, Jewish Currents
Israel advocacy groups have developed strategies to raise huge sums for their candidates by appealing to corporate interests.
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