5LL #206 - The State, Freedom, Gestation, Counterviolence, The New Left

The Cis State II
Jules Gill-Peterson, Sad Brown Girl
“The cis state” refers to a strategy of state power that defines citizenship through an obligatory alignment of physical anatomy with legal gender markers and visual appearance.
Abortion Is About Freedom, Not Just Privacy
Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, The New Yorker
The right to abortion is an affirmation that women and girls have the right to control their own destiny.
Free Anthrogenesis: Antiwork Abortion
Sophie Lewis, Salvage
Let us learn to celebrate, without recourse to healthcare, necessity, or special pleading, the beauty and power of a gestator’s ‘no’.
The Violence We're Used to and the Violence We Need
William C. Anderson, Prism
The state maintains its oppressive systems through violence disguised as law, and only through counterviolence can we dismantle those systems.
New Left Review
Erik Baker, n+1
Who did neoliberalism?
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