5LL #203 - Civil Wars, Ethics, Reproductive Rights, The Internet, Hate

What Are You Willing to Do?
James Meek, London Review of Books
If it is a real danger that civil war may threaten democracy, it is also a real danger that democracy may die because its defenders refuse to start one.
Bad Guys & Dirty Hands
Vanessa Wills, The Critique
In the United States, policing that is “ethical,” according to standards internal to the practice and culture of policing, just is policing that disproportionately targets people of color for violence and domination.
Breaking the Strategic Impasse
Editorial Board, Spectre
We are at a turning point in the struggle to defend abortion rights.
The Internet Is Broken. How Do We Fix It?
Ben Tarnoff, The New York Times
The profit system produces the dysfunctions and depredations of the modern internet.
Communism, the Manifesto, and Hate
China Miéville, Salvage
We must hate more and better than even The Communist Manifesto knew how.
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